Dimitris Kiriakakis


Fullstack Developer




Building a Website in 2024 💡

In the ever evolving field of Web Development, choosing a Tech Stack is far from straightforward. From the development experiences I had in 2023 here is my stack of choice in 2024:

🛠 Frontend

Selecting a frontend framework is pivotal for a smooth user experience. In 2024, I did most of my work with Astro, Next, and Nuxt - which offer distinct advantages.

  • Astro: Astro stands out for its static site generation and modular architecture, contributing to faster load times and perfect performance scores on Google metrics. Its appeal lies in its ability to blend static and dynamic content, powered by React and Vue components, seamlessly. I built my own website with Astro as well.

  • Next.js: Next.js, a popular choice, brings server-side rendering, static site generation, and a robust plugin system to the table. Its versatility makes it suitable for a range of web applications, though it may be perceived as feature-heavy for simpler projects. That was the case for my own website, therefore I went with Astro.

  • Nuxt: Nuxt, built on Vue.js, emphasizes simplicity and an intuitive structure. Its adaptability caters to developers of varying skill levels. It basically offers most of Next's innovative features but with Vue syntax and that's why it's one of my favourites.

🛠 Headless CMS

Managing content is a fundamental need for almost any website. Therefore, choosing a flexible but also reliable Content Management System is very important.

  • Strapi - My own favourite is Strapi, a Node based headless CMS, which stands as a flexible and customisable solution. Its open-source nature and RESTful API enable seamless integration, catering to projects of diverse scales.

🛠 Backend

Having a CMS like Strapi behind our website will sometimes cover our requirements, but other times we need to build custom features that require custom implementations. In 2023 I started experimenting with GoLang which I loved, but I also kept on building NodeJS microservices.

  • GoLang: GoLang, known for its simplicity and concurrency model, is perfect for building fast and efficient backend services. Its small memory footprint and quick execution make it an excellent choice for microservices architectures and high-performance applications. In 2023 I built my first production ready backend with Go and I realised myself how powerful but also intuitive this language is.

  • Node.js: Node.js continues to be a solid solution for backend development. Its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model makes it perfect for building scalable and real-time applications. The extensive npm ecosystem and the ability to use JavaScript across the entire stack simplify development and foster code reusability.

🛠 Deployment

  • Netlify: I started using Netlify for the first time in 2023 and I was mind blown of how well made their platform is. With ready to use configurations for any framework you can get your website online in minutes. With features like continuous deployment and serverless functions, it simplifies the deployment process, promoting efficiency and scalability.

👉🏻 Have you ever used any of these? What was your experience?

👉🏻 Let me know in the comments!

Published: 11/01/2024