
In late August of 2021 I became a "Chimner", a group of people that wanted to change the house market by developing a "LinkedIn for houses". As part of a senior fullstack developer in the product team my duties included implementing designs, and features in VueJS and later React, manage the application state with Redux and later Zustand, by utilising Material-UI components & Typescript. I was also a main contributor in the backend codebase, providing API layers built with NestJS (Typescript) while adjusting and improving the CI/CD & GitHub workflows of the platform. The infrastructure was hosted on GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and later on AWS. Another key part of this project was the extensive E2E testing suite that we wrote on Playwright.
Later on, the application was rebuilt with NextJS to enable Server Side Rendering, improve the Web Vitals and the SEO performance of the indexed properties. The development of Chimnie was completed in August 2023.
See the full project here.
Implemented in November, 2023.